Why Massachusetts Rodents Chew Wires

Upon scheduling a rodent removal, the technician might point out the damages that the animals have caused. This may include the chewed electrical wires. Since the teeth of the rodents are constantly growing, they will have to chew tough materials to control the growth of their teeth. Once you discover this type of damage, it is important to act immediately. Exposed live wires are hazardous and may lead to fires and accidental electrocution.

Reasons Why Boston Rodent Chew Wires
A lot of people will find chew marks and bruises on their electrical wires. There are different factors that may cause the bruising. Perhaps one of the likely culprits on the damage would be the rodent. There are various reasons why the rodents will chew our cable wires. Here are some of them.

The Unlikely Victim
The electrical wires are not the usual target of the Boston rodents. However, it will commonly serve as a hindrance to their entry holes. As the rodents are enlarging the holes, the electrical wires can be damaged. If you want to avoid this incident, you might want to seal the holes that they can use to move to other parts of the room using steel wool and mortar. You may also use a metal pipe insulation to keep your electrical wires protected against the persistent chewing of the rodents.

Controlling their Overgrown Teeth
Rodents do not like the taste of the electrical wires. However, they will need to chew different materials to wear down their teeth. Overgrown teeth of the rodents can lead to various problems that can sometimes be life-threatening. Uncontrolled growth of their teeth can be painful and can affect their regular eating habit that may lead to weight loss. The rodents teeth will grow at an average of 4-6 inches annually. If they do not something about it, there are cases that the teeth will pierce their skull that may lead to their death.

They Will Use This as Nesting Materials
Mice like to chew on almost anything and take it back to their nest. They can chew anything that is softer than their teeth which includes our wire. They can use the wire insulation in keeping their nest warm and comfortable. Some people use repellents to deter the damages of the rodent, but repellents are not proven effective against them.

Dangers of Exposed Wires
Once the live wires have been exposed, there are different dangers that are related with it. It can be a fire hazard. The fluctuation of the energy can also affect the function of our house appliances. Some parts of the appliances can be vulnerable to power fluctuation that may lead to the damages. Exposed live wires may also cause electrocution.

In order to avoid the hazards that are associated with live wires, you need to ensure that your house will remain free from the vermin. Make it a habit to inspect the less-frequented areas of your house and be mindful on their signs of presence. Check the gaps, cracks, holes, and crevices and seal them.

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